Motivational Sayings


Friday, July 25, 2014

X-PRESSing Myself at a Relaxing Concert

I had to ask the owner sacredly, does it bite? She replied No, so I said may I take a picture of the dog. She said do you want to take a picture with the dog, Now that was just to much Reluctantly I Did It & I 'm ALIVE. It had me to step out on faith more. This is a BiG DoG!
                                                           Right When I got off the bus
                                                        Look Who/What I See!

I sure wish I had on something like this going to this concert

You guys I just took the before shoot of my Make-Over Yesterday. I'm taking my after shoot Today. I'm just completely and utterly excited! You guys will be the only one's to see the process of this whole Commercial Appeal Make-over. I can't wait to see how this is all going to turn Out. OMG!

 If You Guys Notice I'm Sitting Way in the Back taking these pictures. Isn't that what we do anyway? One day I will get to the front.
 Me and Moms enjoying the concert

Me and my Moms just got through arguing 5 or 10 minutes ago before we got to the concert, now we're relaxing looking at the concert. The nerve! but isn't it Beautiful in some odd peculiar way. Some people don't have a mother to do this with.........
 I tried to catch all the pretty colors inside the stage, but they were just going to darn fast

I guess it would of been better if I had friends here
but Old Mom pulled through. Please don't tell her I called her old. It was just an x-pression

I was still in the                                                                      Back on these pictures. The last pictures are different. 

 These 2 pictures above I thrust myself towards the side of them to take a picture. Boy was my heart racing. I was in peoples way & everything. I was so nervous!, but I Did It!

I guess it would of been nice to have someone other than my moms. I wonder though were would I be or what would I do if I didn't have my mom.You know that outfit I said I wish I had on the day of the event. Well, Click Here & I'll take you to my newly inspired place of where I'll be reading up on Fashion. I'm going to start looking for styles I like and go find something similar if not exact & price efficient.

Make Beautiful X-PRESSIONS. I do believe I did a great photo-shoot today. I will be in the Commercial Appeal Aug 3rd.

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